A Brand New Pet!


Exciting news everyone!!

The other day (Tuesday to be precise) I obtained my first ever ‘adult’ pet (adult in this  context meaning I fully am responsible for her financially); a little corn snake named Kahli! Here she is, pictured below.

KahliI received her from a friend of my boyfriend’s who was adopting out her three pet corn snakes. She is busy with a full-time job right now and other things, and so didn’t feel that she had enough time to give them. Very nicely she included Kahli’s tank, decorations, heat lamp, water dish, and two ‘fuzzies’ (the small frozen mice she eats) with Kahli.

She is so adorable, though understandably shy at this point. For the first several hours, she hid away in her log decoration, peeking her head out from time to time to look at me cautiously while I was reading a book. If I dared to glance at her directly though, she would quickly withdraw back into her hiding place.

When I left my room to make and eat dinner for a while though, I came back and found she had ventured out and spread herself onto her leaf decoration. I called my roommate to come and look at her, but when she (my roommate) put her face close to the tank, Kahli ducked her head behind the leaves and eventually slithered back into her log.


I’m hoping she settles down and feels more comfortable in her new home soon! Each week I’ll be feeding her one ‘fuzzy’ and begin handling her in a day or two. Her previous owner said she was really good with show-and-tell, so it would be great to make sure she stays used to being taken out of her tank at times.